Flexible Gas Tubing

Up to 400 times more resistant to the damaging effects of electrical energy than yellow CSST. Meets ASTM E84 with respect to flame spread and smoke density. This permits installation in return air plenums. The most complete range of CSST sizes (3/8"- 2") available. No additional manufacturer bonding is required. Lays straighter and pulls easier than competitive CSST. The strength of CounterStrike makes it is more crush-resistant than competitive brands. CounterStrike has higher flow ratings compared to competitive brands. Installers save money by using a smaller size CounterStrike (ie 3/8" CounterStrike???? versus 1/2" other brand). UL Listed for 1,2, and 4 hours through penetration fire stop systems without removal of the conductive jacket.

Flexible Gas Tubing
Part # Item Name Avaliability Add to Cart
359-0001 1/2" Tracpipe 50' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0002 3/4" Tracpipe 50' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0003 1" Tracpipe 50' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0004 1" Tracpipe 100' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0005 1/2" Tracpipe 100' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0006 1/2" Tracpipe 250' roll/Counterstrike

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359-0010 3/4" Tracpipe 100' roll/Counterstrike

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